Published: 01/06/2022

Read time: 6 Minutes

In its simplest form, an elevator pitch is an overview of your business.

But here’s the catch – it’s all delivered within the time it takes you to complete an average ride in an elevator or lift.

It’s a way of refining your business’ sales pitch down to a clear and concise 30seconds. Focusing on the important details that immediately lets others know who you are, what you offer, and why they should pick you as their provider.

In essence, an elevator pitch is like the blurb on the back of a book – take a 300 page novel, and reduce it to a succinct one liner that hooks the reader and makes them want to buy the book to learn more.


What does it have to do with dentistry?

No matter what your product is, or what you’re promoting, you should know your business’ elevator pitch back to front, and so should your team.

If you don’t know what it is that you’re selling or why your leads should pick you over another practice, then how can you convince your leads to choose you – to even just to trust you?

This applies to the dental industry in the same way that it would apply to the energy sales world or car sales room – in order to encourage patients in to the practice, you need to know why they would want to join you.


I’m not in to the whole hardcore selling idea…

Elevator pitches aren’t about the hardcore sales routine – it’s about understanding what you can offer to your existing and prospective patients to help them make their decision about starting treatment.

It’s also about confidence, teamwork, and cohesion. If everyone has a clear understanding of what it is that the practice offers and specialises in, then talking to leads about starting treatment is easier – they have confidence in what they do and that translates through to confidence in how you do it.


Where do I start?

What a question! Here are some simple steps to get you started…

1. Who do you think you are?

To start with, you want to determine the basics of who you think you are as a business:

Q. Who you are

Q. What you do

Q. How you’re different from the competition

2. What’s your problem?

With the above in mind, the next thing is to identify what the problem is that you think you are solving. Do you help patients who have a phobia of the dentist? Do you specialise in difficult implant cases?
What problem are you fixing?

3. What’s your solution?

With the problem in mind, you need to define your solution – how do you go about fixing or solving the problem that you’ve already proposed?

4. How are you different?

Let’s be honest, there is a lot of competition out there – even in the dental world. So the final piece of this puzzle is show what makes your solution different from the other solutions out there.

To finish, add in a call to action – what does the lead/person you’re talking to need to do next to find out more or take the next step. Everyone needs a little help to know what direction to go in next, make sure you’re giving that instruction.


Can DenGro help me?

There are so many points in a lead’s conversion journey where a lead can get distracted, lose faith, or waver in the confidence of their desire to go ahead with treatment. By monitoring each lead, their concerns and joys about treatment, you can better understand how best to talk to them about treatment and better understand what might help to encourage them to starting treatment.

Knowing your elevator pitch and how to respond to your leads’ barriers against starting treatment can help you support your leads through their entire journey – no matter where they might doubt themselves or where their concerns might come up.


What next?

Get writing! Pull your team together and starting confirming your elevator pitch. It’s a collaborative effort, so make sure your whole team is involved and participates in its creation.

Then, when you’re ready, why not get started with DenGro and see how easy it can be to track, manage, and report on your leads and their journey to become patients.