Published: 24/06/2023

Read time: 4 Minutes

Jess from Cotteswold House joined Louise for a chat recently about how DenGro helps support them and their team.


Hi Jess, lovely to chat with you today. How long have you been using DenGro at Cotteswold House?


About 12 months now.


And what’s your role at the practice?


Most of the time I’m the TCO chief or I might potentially help out on reception or nursing with the dentists as well, But my main role is TCO.


How was DenGro introduced to you?


So, the principal wanted to try DenGro out and just see how it went. She said it was going to help me stay organised, keep everything in one place and, you know, ultimately help a lot of other people as well as just myself. So then we decided to give it a go. And yeah, it’s  developed well, I think.


And what were you using before in terms of tracking your leads? What was life like before DenGro?


I do love a list. I love to write things down. I had a really big kind of turnkey diary and everything was kept there. And then I had little additional books for follow ups and things like that. So everything was written down. We did also try using Trello but it was confusing, especially for someone else if I was off. It was quite hard to find or look back at a specific patient. They probably wouldn’t have been able to decipher my lists! 


And I guess patient confidentiality, you don’t really want those details written down.




How did you feel about moving away from that system as it sounds like you like your diary?


I’m always apprehensive about something new. I was thinking, well, if it’s going to be a good thing, if everything’s in one place, if it’s going to help me manage my time, because essentially that’s most important thing; to give me as much time as possible and if it might bring everything together, it would be a really good thing. For the most part, I thought it was going to be a good thing.


Okay, so you’re quite excited by the idea.




And what difference has DenGro made?


It’s definitely a lot better for me. As I said, it keeps everything together. I can track everything. Not only can I do that for anyone else, so can the clinicians and the reception team. If they want to hone in on a particular patient, they can just look it out whether I’m here or not and see exactly where the patient is in the journey. So that’s really helpful.
It helps with looking at marketing and looking at the bigger picture of advertising; how are we doing? Where the patients are coming from? All of those things. I know obviously it helps to understand what’s going on and kind of figure out what marketing we are going to do next. 


Okay. So it sounds like it’s helping not having leads scattered around in various places. It did bring them all together for you as you wanted.


Yeah, definitely, there is a learning curve for everyone using the same thing and also understanding why we’re doing it. I think initially it was seen as my tool, just for me. But we got so busy we needed everybody else on board. So it was just a case of getting everybody doing the same thing, understanding why we’re doing it and all working together.


That’s great to hear, it’s definitely more powerful if everyone is using the software and working together. What do you most like about DenGro? 


I think just being able to see where a patient is in their journey. So if they are seeing a dentist or they’ve come to see me and they are thinking about treatment or the reasons why they might be, you can just put everything down in one place, for example Mrs. Smith ‘he’s thinking about this, but he’s not sure about this’. And anyone else can look at that. We all know where we are. And it’s just straightforward. You can do that for every single patient and everything’s all there without thinking, ‘Oh, did I say something to them’ or ‘what happened there?’
So having it all one place, all the patients there and it takes just a second to find the patient.


That’s wonderful. That’s great to hear DenGro is making such a difference to the practice. Thanks for your time.


Thanks Louise.