Fill in our online assessment form to see if you are ready to join DenGro.
DenGro is a CRM for private or mixed income practices in the UK & Ireland that typically offer patients a broad range of private treatments.
DenGro is best suited to supporting practices to acquire new patients interested in private treatment
As long as your practice still offers private treatments and is still attracting a steady stream of organic leads (or referrals) every week, then DenGro can still transform practice efficiency and revenue
We would recommend that your website is secure and up to date so that spam leads and enquiries are kept at bay and the team’s time is spent with genuine prospective patients
Congratulations, as the UK’s market leader for dental CRMs DenGro is still worth exploring to see if it provides a better fit for your practice than your current solution
Even the most streamlined processes and the most effective software solutions still need people to deliver the best outcomes, we’d always recommend having someone on point in your team to initiate conversations and build rapport with prospective patients
Fantastic! It sounds like you and your team are ready to take advantage of all that DenGro has to offer, please book a demo or get started today!